Most people say that they know the exact moment that they fall in love. For me, that wasn't the case. I didn't fall into love, I steped into it - slowly, cautiously and then completely. I was the timid swimmer putting one toe in the water, then an ankle, a leg and continuing limb by limb until they are completely submerged. I fell in love with little things and big things, discovering new things each day - like the fact that you can read his emotions in his eyes or his selflishness. I fell in love with his hands, how rough they were and how they showed his hard work. Mainly, I fell in love with him. Does that mean we don't argue? No. Does it mean there aren't things about him that drive me up a wall? No. Does is mean I've never wanted to throw in the towel? No - but then I take a step back and remember that he is worth fighting for.

When I look at him, even now three years later, there are moments where I see my future vividly. I can see us when we're in our 60's on the beach (both of ours favorite places to be) talking, or just sitting, watching the waves roll in, the saltwater smell in the air, toes in the sand. Thinking of my future with this man, this wonderful man, who is my best friend, never fails to me make me smile. I know there will be hard times, but I have faith in God and us that we can, and will get through it.