Disappointment comes at all corners of life. Disappointment is going to the ice cream shop... only to find out they are out of your favorite type. Disappointment is getting psyched up for a movie .... only to find it's sold out. Or disappointment can be getting your hopes up ... only to have someone bring it down (generally by pointing out the realities).

How a person deals with disappointment can say a lot about who they are. Do you sulk off and hide until you get over the disappointment or do you think of how you can turn it around into a positive.

Last year my boyfriend decided that he wanted to go on a fishing trip to Tennessee. He had to book it a year in advance to secure his spot with the river guide we wanted to go with - otherwise he wouldn't be able to go. About a week before the trip he got a call from the guide cancelling the trip due to the river being high and flooding. He was, for a minute, very disappointed. But, he decided there wasn't anything he could do about it, and so he planned another trip for next year and spent this years vacation time at the Roanoke River - where he caught over 90 Striped Bass.

So... remember the next time you have a disappointment in your life (weather it is ice cream or something more serious) that there may be something that you can do to turn that disappointment into a positive. And if you can't, then try to remember all the positives that already exist in your life.

An as an anonymous person on the Internet once said "When life hands you lemons make lemonade, build a lemonade stand, and rake in the dough".